your own chosen fashion brand architecture and recommendation for a brand extension.

    your own chosen fashion brand architecture and recommendation for a brand extension.

    Using the convention of an essay or report format (see BB for information)
    Select a brand of your choice. It can be the same brand that you did your mystery shop research or another. Any fashion, or fashion related, cosmetic/toiletry brand; if it is a large brand portfolio than focus on one brand within the portfolio.

    Discuss the brand’s position, target audience and brand architecture in relation to how the brand organises their ranges to fit with their target audiences. Discuss how this either is identified with the main brand but changes colour, name, style etc to differentiate its offering to each sector, or utilises different brand names within the umbrella brand.
    Your discussion should include relevant references from the reading/lectures that you have had so far plus any additional research. After analysing the brand architecture you should recommend a brand extension that would increase their profit margins, and/or open them up to a new market sector. Be specific about the detail of the brand extension, the market channel it is intended for and the target audience.

    As well as your appendix you should include a chart of the organisational map of the brand (this may be found on line, in journals, or books or you may construct one from observation on line and in store. There will be extra marks for those students who have constructed their own brand architecture map.



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