You will write a research proposal that will lead into next week’s assignment about research reports


    You will write a research proposal that will lead into next week's assignment about research reports. You will also read Module 22 about finding source materials to support research and decision making. This week is a good point to start gathering source material once you choose a topic.


    After completing the learning activities for this topic, you will be able to:

    Choose a topic for research
    Write a research proposal
    Gather information from the textbook about your topic
    To meet the learning objectives for this topic, you will complete these activities. Print this page and use it as a checklist.

    Review the Introduction and Objectives page.
    Review Module 21 in preparation for writing a proposal using the memo format.
    Read Module 22 about finding source materials to support research.
    Complete the Learning Activities page.
    Review the list of potential diversity topics on page 39.
    Assignment: Discussion forum about potential topics for research.
    Assignment: Submit your proposal to the drop box.
    Assignment: Complete the quiz.
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    Writing a research paper proposal includes the thesis of the paper, at least three important points in the paper and at least three primary and secondary sources.

    Click on the link to view the video: Academic Writing Tips : How to Write a Research Paper Proposal

    Slide Show: Choosing a Topic

    Click on the link below to view a slide show to better understand the potential topics and how this topic will transition into a short report.

    Click on the link to view the Slide Show: Choosing a Topic for Your Proposal and Short Report

    You are preparing to write a research proposal that will lead to a short research report. The topics you can use for this report should come from the textbook that deal with diversity in the workplace and the subsequent issues. This is a proposal that will also feed into the short research report and presentation coming up. Look at this as educating your "office" on some important topic related to the workplace, workers, clients, etc. Your report will be educational while making recommendations for improvement and/or change.

    Here are grading criteria for the research proposal.

    1. Type this as a memo and address it to your instructor.

    2. Include headings in the memo:

    Overview (topic, definition, and background information),
    Issues (business related problems related to topic),
    Research (types of sources to support research),
    Audience (who needs to know this), and
    Call to Action (conclusion and request to move forward).
    3. Be precise in your writing and get to the point. Provide necessary details.

    4. Check your spelling and grammar.

    5. Proposal should not exceed one page.

    6. Topic should be researchable and lead into the short research report where you will be making recommendations for improvement



    Another Activity

    While you are doing a proposal for class research projects, see LO 21-3, you do not have a lot of time. Your proposal will be shorter than Figure 21.4, but it should include an introduction, background about the problem, feasibility of finding a solution, method of finding a solution, and a call to action. 

    Question 1


    Initial post is due on 11/14by 11:59pm and peer replies are due on 11/16 by 11:59pm.

    You will post information about two to three topics you are considering for your research proposal.
    Include the definition of your topic, why it is important in business, where you will find additional information, and possible solutions to bring about positive change in an organization in relation to your topic.
    Post your information and then discuss two or more postings from your fellow classmates. In responding to your classmates, give them advice on gathering information, possible ways of making improvements, etc.
    Note: You must first post your own answers before you can view others' posts.

    Question 2


    The research proposal is an overview of the subject you plan on exploring for your short research report.  You can define your subject, discuss your personal experiences related to that subject, list myths and misconceptions, explain what you need to research, discuss the impact on business, look at ways to educate on this topic, etc.

    Write your research proposal following the basic memo format.
    Write about one topic that is mentioned in the textbook.
    Attach your proposal to this drop box.
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