You should rely entirely on the course reading materials and lectures Custom Essay

    You should rely entirely on the course reading materials and lectures. Make sure you establish a clear thesis and defend it with references to appropriate reading. Somewhere in your first paragraph, there should be a sentence that begins: “In this paper, I will argue that . . .” or something similar. Strong papers will also consider counterarguments and defend against them. Structure your paper carefully and address the issues as directly and concisely as you can. Avoid verbosity, lengthy introductions, and irrelevancies. When and under what conditions is it possible to mobilize people for action? Choose an example of EITHER regime change OR political violence to answer this question. Make an argument about the relative importance of the different factors that you think explain the phenomenon you chose, drawing on the cases and theories discussed in class. No matter what position you take or question you choose, be sure you make references to competing theories and how they apply to the specific country and question. OR What are the prospects for democracy in China? Based on what you know about democratization from the readings and lecture, provide an answer to this question. (There is no need to do extra research!) What factors would different theories point to as significant? What other information would you need about China in order to make a more definitive argument? If you were advising Chinese democrats, what (if any) lessons would you draw from existing theories and from the cases (for example Germany and Russia) we covered in class? Use the sources on this website: AUC Blackboard under the course comparative politics

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