You are to write a one and half page paper minimum. If it comes up short I will take points off. You are to use 25 different geological terms CORRECTLY in your writing. Each correctly used term will be worth 4 points, for possible total of 100 points (Repeating a word will not count towards the 25, they must be 25 different words to count). The paper should have 1 inch margins top and bottom and 1.25 in margins left and right, also the paper should be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman, or Arial font. All terms need to be in bold type or highlighted. The paper will be graded on length and whether or not the terms are geological and used correctly. This is a creative writing assignment. It’s up to you to write what you like. You may write a story about your trip to grandmas house, fishing trip, etc. It doesn’t have to be a true story you maybe as creative as you like as long as you use the terms correctly. For example “Grandma went out this Thanksgiving to chop the head of the turkey. She was going to use the marble block, but changed her mind and used the gneiss one instead because it was much harder.”

    You are to write a one and half page paper minimum. If it comes up short I will take points off. You are to use 25 different geological terms CORRECTLY in your writing. Each correctly used term will be worth 4 points, for possible total of 100 points (Repeating a word will not count towards the 25, they must be 25 different words to count). The paper should have 1 inch margins top and bottom and 1.25 in margins left and right, also the paper should be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman, or Arial font. All terms need to be in bold type or highlighted. The paper will be graded on length and whether or not the terms are geological and used correctly. This is a creative writing assignment. It’s up to you to write what you like. You may write a story about your trip to grandmas house, fishing trip, etc. It doesn’t have to be a true story you maybe as creative as you like as long as you use the terms correctly. For example “Grandma went out this Thanksgiving to chop the head of the turkey. She was going to use the marble block, but changed her mind and used the gneiss one instead because it was much harder.”

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