You are to make a presentation for a parents’ group meeting at the local school

    You are to make a presentation for a parents’ group meeting at the local school

    • You will make a presentation on child molesters and give preventative strategy advice for the children to protect themselves against child molesters.
    • Create a PowerPoint presentation (4–5 slides) for this meeting with speaker notes (at least 150 words per slide).
    • Your presentation should include the following information:
    o Identification of Child Molesters
    ? What is a child molester?
    ? Who is likely to be a child molester? (M.O)
    ? What are the types of molesters?
    o Expert Insight
    ? Address misconceptions that parents have about child molesters.
    ? Address the facts about child molesters.
    o Effects
    ? What statistics have you found in molestation studies that would help educate parents/children?
    o Warnings
    ? What signs can parents/children look for if child molestation is occurring in their community?
    o Prevention Strategies
    ? How should parents talk to their children about child molesters?
    ? What laws protect children from predators?
    ? What types of campaigns might be out there to educate children/parents about child molesters?
    • Include a Reference Slide


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