Yardstick Report Memo

    Business and Management
    Paper instructions:
    12.24 – Yardstick Report Memo: Measuring the Alternatives (p. 418)
    Identify a problem, procedure, or process that must be changed at your work or in an organization you know. Consider challenges such as poor scheduling of employees, outdated equipment, slow order processing, failure to encourage employees to participate fully, restrictive rules, inadequate training, or disappointed customers.
    Consider a few or several solutions or courses of action (retaining the present status could be one alternative). Develop criteria that you could use to evaluate each alternative. Write a report memo measuring each alternative by the yardstick you have created. Recommend a course of action to your boss or to the organization head.
    The book information on a Yardstick Report begins on p. 407. The beginning of the chapter discusses the use of tables, grids, figures, etc., so incorporate them into your report memo.
    Pages 386-389 discuss Drawing Conclusions and Making Recommendations. Be clear on the difference between a conclusion and a recommendation. Figure 12.4 provides examples and tips. The top of page 389 provide further information on the difference and use of each.
    Follow the example on pages 409-411, and modify the names of the heading examples to the topics of your memo. In reports, try to use numbers, bullets, tables, etc. to make information stand out. Makes your report look more professional and easy to read – easy to read and well designed can help you subconsciously convince the reader(s) to side with your analysis and recommendation.

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