

    Assignment Details
    The report should be between 4000 – 5000 words in length and demonstrate depth and breadth of reading. All reports will be submitted to Turnitin via WebCT.

    Use 1.5 spacing with a 12 point Times New Roman font. You should consult appropriate references from the library and other suitable sources. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the Harvard style. Given that this will be a current issues paper, references should be not older than 5 years.
    Your report must include:
    • Title Page The title of the paper, student names and student IDs.
    • Executive Summary An overview of the report which identifies the purpose of the report, directs the reader to key points or issues presented in the report, and summarises conclusions. (Maximum length is 1 page).
    • Table of Contents Headings used should assist the reader to find information in the report.
    • Introduction A statement of the purpose for the report and a brief description of its structure. (Some discussion of the context and reason for the report is often included as well).
    • Body Present different perspectives of the products using research articles and industry examples that demonstrate innovative approaches. Make sure your discussion matches the stated purpose of the report. Discuss and support any conclusions that can be reached using the evidence provided by the research articles used in your report.
    • Conclusion A summary of the points you have made in the body of the report. These should match your stated purpose. The conclusion should not introduce any ‘new’ material that was not discussed in the body of the report.
    • References A list of sources used in the text. They should be listed alphabetically by (first) author’s family name.
    You must visit http://www.canberra.edu.au/studyskills/writing for some general help on academic writing especially the sections on ‘writing an introduction’ and ‘answering the question’.
    The written report (30 Marks):

    Report has an identified purpose (5 marks) Mark
    i) Report introduces topic; (1)
    ii) States the purpose of the report (3)
    iii) Is refined and clearly stated; (1)
    Body of report has appropriate content (18 marks)
    i) Contains appropriate material (2)
    ii) Presents a well structured discussion (3)
    iii) Report is on topic and addresses the assignment question (5)
    iv) Report contains original ideas and/or takes a novel approach (4)
    v) Product capabilities / functionality clearly explained (2)
    vi) Connections between innovation & strategy (2)
    References & Grammar (7 marks)
    i) Citations are indicated correctly (Harvard); (2)
    ii) Grammatical expression is satisfactory. (3)
    iii) Report style matches audience. (2)
    Turnitin adjustment (guideline only, each situation needs separate evaluation by the lecturer)
    i) No significant matches (No reduction)
    ii) Match score between 15 and 20 (-5 marks)
    iii) Match score >= 20 or significant unreferenced matches (- 10)
    iv) Obvious copying or paraphrasing in large amounts, paper will be failed with no marks awarded.
    v) Failure to submit signed peer evaluation (-5 marks)
    Total Score 30

    The presentation (10 Marks):

    Content (4 marks) Mark
    Clear Outline of report
    Covered report contents
    Demonstrated knowledge of material
    Team organisation (2 marks)
    Shared responsibility / Effective transitions between speakers
    Timing under limit (additional 2-3 minutes question/discussion time)
    Presentation technique (2 marks)
    Quality of multi-media visuals / supporting materials
    Ability to answer questions
    Delivery (2 marks)
    Presented to business audience (professional attire and manner)
    Quality of vocabulary / professional use of Language
    Spoke clearly and confidently / regulated pitch and volume
    Total Score 10

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