Writing of business

    lease be sure to present your final assignment in proper business report format.
    This activity will help prepare you both for other activities in this course, such as related discussions in Chapters 13 and 14, as well as in thinking long term about your career goals.
    You can use Figure 9.2 page 249 as a model for getting started. Refer to the chapter as needed for guidance. Your response should be placed in the Dropbox.

    This assignment is due by Sunday at the end of Week FIVE by 11:55pm.

    At the end of Chapter 9, complete Activity 9.3, Pg. 271: Informational Report: Searching for Career Information; three Pages, double-spaced: approiximately 750 words, plus any outside sources. Use Figure 9.2 on Page 249 as your guide to formatting.

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