� This discussion activity will help you determine and choose a style of presenting.
    Let�s start the week by discussing two of your presentation experiences: one that went well and one that didn’t.
    � In each scenario, discuss both your pre-delivery process and the presentation itself, as well as feedback received from the audience and what you learned from each experience. What changes have you made to your preparation and/or delivery based on these experiences?
    � If you have not made any oral presentations, discuss two presentations that you have attended – one that you found well-done and one that you found unsuccessful and explain the differences. What did you learn from attending these presentations that you can apply when you make your first presentation?

    � Module 6 – Individual Assignment 2
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    This activity will aid you in identifying types of presentations as well as determine a style of presenting.
    Prepare a brief (1 1/2page) assessment of your presentation skills by doing each of the following:
    Discuss your strengths and areas for improvement in regard to presentation skills. For example, have you ever done a presentation? If you have, what types have you done, what is your comfort level with the process and what is your level of skill? If you haven�t, assess your comfort level and skill with public speaking and speech writing.
    Prepare a plan for further developing your skills. Consider what resources you have available. For example, do you know anyone who is a skilled presenter and who would be willing to work with you? What opportunities for doing presentations are available to you? Do you know anyone who would be willing to co-present with you?
    Identify one topic that you have expertise in or are interested in that might serve as a topic for a presentation.

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