Writer can pick: Families and the Organization of Race, Class, and Gender Custom Essay

    BOOK IS: Aulette, Judy Root. 2010. Changing American Families. Allyn and Bacon.
    (ISBN: 10-0205699472)

    CHAPTERS • Chapter 5 – Families and the Organization of Race, Class, and Gender
    • Chapter 6 – Work and Family

    •Please write a two page reflection paper focusing on a topic from your readings that pertains to sociology of the family. You want to focus on any of the material/readings covered for that particular week. You may also add some of your own family experiences to your analysis. However, keep in mind that you should still practice good writing skills.
    • I will be grading on spelling, grammar and sentence structure, referencing, organization (introduction, body and conclusion) and content.
    • Your papers should be no less than 2 pages and in Times New Roman 12 point font. At the very least, papers should be 250 words per page for a total of 500 words.
    • For these papers, you must also reference correctly using American Sociological Association (ASA) reference style.

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