Write a spec script for your own animated sitcom.

    Write a spec script for your own animated sitcom.

    What is your show going to be about? What issues are you interested in exploring
    with your series, and how will you address them as characters develop and your show
    progresses? Perhaps laying out a story or series arc that not only outlines the plot, but
    also gets into why these things happen and how they illustrate your larger points.
    The remaining 2 – 2.5 pages should be a scene in which your characters play out one or
    more of the issues you plan to address. Using action and dialogue, show us exactly how
    it’s all going to work toward the goal of elucidating your underlying themes and cultural
    criticisms. In other words, you can’t just write “my show is about a fat guy who is also
    stupid” then write a scene where he farts for 10 minutes.
    Why is he fat? Why is he stupid? How are you using these attributes to explore larger
    issues such as the things we’ve covered in class? Farting is awesome, yes, but why
    is he doing it for 10 minutes and what does farting represent. The foul stench of our


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