Write a C++ program to implement a queue using linked lists. The program should provide the following functionality:

    Homework program writing

    Write a C++ program to implement a queue using linked lists. The program should provide the following functionality:

    • Enqueue data into queue
    • Dequeue data from queue
    • Print data at the front
    • Print data at the back
    • Print the entire queue
    • Check if the queue is empty
    • Print the number of elements in the queue

    Test your program using at least the following test cases (considering the queue includes integers):

    1. Check if the queue is empty: Option F.
    2. Enqueue 7 into the queue: Option A.
    3. Enqueue 4 into the queue: Option A.
    4. Check if the queue is empty: Option F.
    5. Dequeue data form the queue.
    6. Print the number of elements in the queue: Option G.
    7. Enqueue 5 into the queue: Option A.
    8. Print the number of elements in the queue: Option G.
    9. Check if the queue is empty: Option F.
    10. Print data at the front: Option C.
    11. Print data at the back: Option D.
    12. Print entire queue: Option E.

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