Worlds of History

    (Migration Story) The essay is to talk about the migration of a family in a world historical context. That is, you will explain what historical forces led you, or the person you choose to write about, to where you find yourself, or the subject of your paper, in the twenty-first century. The history you uncover may be a story of voluntary or forced migration. It may be a story of migration that crosses oceans and national boundaries. Or it might be a story of internal migration. Some of you are going to leap to the conclusion that you don’t have a migration story, that your family has been here too long or not long enough to have a story.  But we ALL have a migration story, whether or not is migration by choice, force, accident, or other historical factors.  This is not about tracing your family tree, but is instead about building toward an understanding of why and when peoples have migrated in the past, and how that shapes our present.
    You may wish to consult “Heritage Quest,” a collection of databases compiled by, that might be helpful and fun to explore. 

    In the instructions above you can come up with a made up story, creative thinking because I don’t have a migration story.

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