World War Z Research Essay

    World War Z Research Essay


    1.      Your essay must provide an insightful thesis, with thorough explanation. 

    2.      Your thesis must assert a position on a piece of literature. Choose one of our big ideas/themes from World War Z and develop an argumentative research paper utilizing information from our novel and database articles. Be sure, before beginning your first draft, that your thesis has been approved by the teacher.

    WWZ Themes/Big Ideas

    Ò  How do governments handle crises?

    Ò  When we are faced with uncertain survival how do we change? And at what cost?

    Ò  How can the doomsday setting of a story allow us to critique society? The international world?

    Ò  What is the purpose behind dehumanizing the enemy when in combat?

    Ò  What makes us human?

    3.      Follow the MLA guidelines for typing an essay, which include:

    ·      All drafts must be typed

    ·      Double-spaced / MLA format

    ·      Times New Roman, Pt. Size 12

    ·      Correct in-text citation formatting and works cited page

    ·      Correctly formatted title page and outline required

    4.      For this essay you will be incorporating information from our novel and database articles. You may use articles covered in class if they relate. You must have at least five sources. (One source is your novel, all others should be database articles)


    5.      Rough draft is due on Saturday, May 24that 11:59pm to

    6.      Once complete, submit your typed paper to Papers will not be scored until they are submitted and vetted by Your final draft is ONLY due to by 11:59pm on Thursday, May 29th. (no hard copies required)

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