world politics

    world politics

    After reading the relevant chapter, find an article in a current newspaper (New York Times, Washington Post, London Financial Times, and/or Wall Street Journal) that addresses a major concept, theory, or issue addressed in that chapter. Feel free to use any article from the current week, but do not dig back through older archives to find what you might think is a better fit; one purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you are familiar with current events. Another is that you can learn to recognize and apply key ideas from the readings to a wide variety of events world politics.

    After you’ve read the chapter and selected an article, review the discussion board for the unit with two things in mind. First, see what your classmates are writing and what is working and what is not; you can benefit from modeling your essay on the general pattern and quality of other good essays. Second, you will benefit from sharing truly unique insights with the class, and reviewing previously posted essays will better enable you to ensure your contribution is unique. Make an effort to select an article that no one else has already selected. If, however, someone has already written on the article you selected and you cannot find another, the burden is on you to either apply a different insight from the reading, or to apply the same insight but in a clearly different way. Care must be taken to ensure that you are not repeating the discoveries and insights of your classmates.
    Format the essay with two distinct paragraphs followed by a clear reference to the article.
    I. Paragraph 1: Exposition of Concept/Theory
    Chose one concept, theory, or issue central to the unit’s readings, i.e. some insight that enables you to better understand the world. Identify that insight in your opening sentence, and demonstrate within one concise paragraph that you understand the concept/theory/issue.
    Please be very careful not to plagiarize the author’s (or a classmate’s) words. Do not copy even a few words. Do not copy passages and then revise or edit them. The best approach to this paragraph is to read the material until you understand it thoroughly, then set the book aside and write this paragraph entirely from your thoughts.
    II. Paragraph 2: Application to current event
    Identify the essence of the article in a brief opening sentence, and use the remainder of the paragraph to demonstrate how the concept you explain above illuminates the current event described in your chosen article.


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