Locate and cite to a New York state statute that criminalizes possession of burglar’s tools. Describe in detail how you located the statute.
    After you have located the statute, look over the “Notes of Decisions” (the references to cases that have cited the statute.) Locate a case involving the use of underclothing to hide stolen property. Cite to the case (using the regional reporter citation) and summarize the court’s holding.
    Look at the KeyCite information about the case you found. Does it have negative treatment? How many cases are listed that indicate negative treatment? Select one case from the same jurisdiction (New York) that distinguished your original case. Briefly summarize the holding of the distinguishing case, and explain how it distinguished your original case. WORKING WITH A FEDERAL STATUTE Locate the federal Organis Foods Production Act and provide its full U.S. Code citation below (provide inclusive sections in the citation). Explain in detail how you located the Act. Does the Act have a purpose section? Cite it. Then indicate how current the version is that you are looking at (not when it was effective or amended-just the date for which the version you are looking at has been updated by Westlaw.) How did you determine this? Does the Act have a definition section? Cite it below. Then examine the citing references and cite (in correct Bluebook form) one recent case in which the definitions section has been involved in the issues being litigated in the case.

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