Women’s & gender studies

    Try to get A+ please.

    Film analysis 1 consists of four short answer (mini-essay) questions.

    Craft well-articulated paragraphs that fully address the question. Use specific and relevant film examples AND explain how those examples support your answer.

    Each question contains a rubric.


    Identify and describe two scenes from (The movie name)–> (Real Women Have Curves) that illustrate the component “Women control and/or enjoy their bodies and sexuality” of the female gaze.

    (A+) 25 = Synthesis and analysis:Shows thoughtfulness and independent thinking by developing response beyond lecture,readings, discussion.; Two specific and relevant examples are cited; Explanations that support the answer are thoughtful and articulate in 2 paragraphs.

    (A) 23-24= Understanding:Shows a clear understanding of the material presented in lecture, readings,discussion.; Two specific and relevant examples are cited; Explanations that support the answer are thoughtful and articulate in two paragraphs.

    (B) 20-22= Memorization and repetition: Shows the ability to correctly REPEAT the basic material as presented in lecture, reaadings,discussion.; Two examples are cited; Explanations that support the answer are UNCLEAR in two paragraphs.

    (C) 18-19= Awareness: Shows some familiarity with course material but does not accurately refer to material from lecture, readings, discussion.;One example is cited;Explanations that support the answer are UNCLEAR in one paragraph.

    (D) 15-17= Effort: Attempted work but does not demonstrate basic awareness of material from lecture, readings, discussion; One example is cited; Explanations are underdeveloped

    (E) <15 Lack of Effort: Attempted work. Does not address material from lecture, readings,discussion; No examples

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