Women in History

    Physical and spatial segregation (separate social worlds for men and women) are examples of patriarchal control. Why is this so?  Discuss factors that led to the rise of sex segregated worlds two of the following societies: Classical Athens, early Islam, and the Abbasid Caliphate.  Finally, do you think sex segregated social worlds benefit women or do women suffer as a result?  Explain your answer.
    [Note: A patriarchal society is one in which husbands are culturally given control over their wives, children, and household; often resulting in the legal, institutional, and customary subordination of women to men.]

    Length:  800-900 words
    typed (word processed)
    12-point font (Times New Roman or equivalent)
    1-inch margins
    pages numbered consecutively
    proper citation format
    no work cited page required
    NOTE: Papers that fail to conform to these guidelines will not be accepted for a grade.

    Use uploaded additional materials for your sources and only those.


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