Women Directors

    Women Directors


    C326 Women Directors
    Summer 2013
    Take home final

    Take- home final exam-
    4-5 doublespaced pages total
    1. For this question you need to discuss at least 3 films/TV shows from the following list:
    Loveless, Blue Steel, Fallen Heroes, Near Dark, Hurt Locker.
    and at least one essay that we read for the Bigelow unit.

    Deborah Jermyn and Sean Redmond argue that Kathryn Bigelow is a film auteur, that is ?as a director with a distinct visual style who returns to the same themes and obsessions, and as a film maker who pushes cinematic boundaries, both in terms of film form and the representation of gender. All of Bigelow?s films are marked by a play with genre, and by ideological practices that question and undermine the formation of masculine and feminine identity.? (Cinema of Kathryn Bigelow, pg 2).

    Now that is too much to discuss in the course of three pages, so choose 1-2 terms
    (identify a theme/obsession or 2, or discuss a theme and film form, or discuss form and representation of gender, or theme and gender or genre-bending etc) and discuss them across the films/tv program you?ve selected. You should refer to the essay either to bolster your argument or to work against (you can disagree with an author, but then use his/her points to structure your own argument, for example). 3-4 pages, double spaced.

    2. On page 3 of The Cinema of Kathryn Bigelow, the editors introduce the idea that she is a ?Hollywood transgressor.? Based on your reading of the intro, interview and essays, what do you think they mean? (If you?re not sure what transgressor means, do a basic dictionary/google search before class Thursday?so that you have at least a basic definition to start with). Based on your viewing of a great deal of her work, do you agree with them? Why or why not?
    This has to be very succinct. 1-2 double spaced pages


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