Wk 3 – Response to article 1 of 2

    Need by Wednesday 10pm. 200 words minimum with references.
    See attachments.
    Week 3
    Read Chapter 3 pp.83-90 in Real-World Data Mining Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making.
    Analyze the use of DMAIC in the determination of statistical patterns in process metrics.
    Figure 3.1
    After evaluating Figure 3.1 in the text in which step of the process are organizations likely to fall short? What would be your recommendation to an organization that falls short in this step?
    See image
    Visual data analysis
    The ERRSlater R. D. Beal-Hodges M. & Reed A. (2014). USING EXCELS PIVOT TABLE FUNCTION FOR VISUAL DATA ANALYSIS OF EXAM RESULTS: A SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEDURE TO CLASSICAL TEST THEORY.Academy of Educational Leadership Journal18(4) 221-229. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1645851108?accountid=35812 discuss the use of pivot tables as an supplement to classical test theory. What are the authors’ arguments for the use of a visual data analysis? Do you agree with their findings? Why or why not?
    Cross Tabulate Your Data Electronic Reading Response.
    See attachment.

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