Winery annual report financial accounting analysis

    Case study: Analysis of this Canadian Winery Andrew Peller's Annual report (2017) and official webpage information with 12 points listed below in an essay format. If necessary, 2016 and 2015's annual reports are also available online for more comparison and information.    

    1. Presentation of the firm (year of foundation, main products, etc.)

    2. Ownership features (if available present the% of ownership)

    3. Organizational structure

    4. Type of report

    5. (Year, boundaries, name, etc.)

    6. Structure of the report (index-subarea)

    7. Principle followed drawing the document (GAAP, IASB, national law, etc.)

    8. Evaluation of Assets 9value and depreciation) and Liabilities

    9. Evaluation of Inventory

    10. Choose 3 indexes of the financial statement and provide a related comment

    11. Sustainability aspects or CSR aspects

    Other aspects

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