Will the increasing availability of electronic methods of information search result in an overall increase or decrease in consumers’ confidence in their information search abilities?

    Will the increasing availability of electronic methods of information search result in an overall increase or decrease in consumers’ confidence in their information search abilities? Justify your answer.
    Annotated Bibliography
    Please follow the guide below when doing this work
    Annotated Bibliography Guide
    What is an annotated bibliography?
    • An organised list of resources cited in the correct referencing style (UOW author/date Harvard)
    • Followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph – the annotation.
    What does an annotated bibliography include?
    Annotated bibliographies normally consist of an evaluation of the resource, considering the following aspects:
    • AUTHORITY- who wrote it? What are their credentials? (i.e. PhD, Professor, unqualified writer)
    • AUDIENCE – Who are the intended audience – eg. Researchers? Students? Consumers?
    • USEFULNESS – How useful is it to your paper? eg. Is it a research article? Is it too scientific for your needs? Is it too general?
    • COMPARISON – Is it similar to another work or in contrast to another work/author?
    • CONCLUSIONS – Have the author(s) made any conclusions? What methods were used for evaluation?
    • LIMITATIONS – Are there any limitations in the work/methods/conclusions?

    • Example Annotated Bibliography (if needed)
    Trevor, CO, Lansford, B & Black, JW 2004, ‘Employee turnover and job performance: monitoring the influences of salary growth and promotion’, Journal of Armchair Psychology, vol.113, no.1, pp56-64.
    In this article Trevor et al. review the influences of pay and job opportunities in respect to job performance, turnover rates and employee motivation. The authors use data gained through organisational surveys of blue-chip companies in Vancouver, Canada to try to identify the main causes of employee turnover and whether it is linked to salary growth. Their research focuses on assessing a range of pay structures such as pay for performance and organisational reward schemes. The article is useful to my research topic, as Trevor et al. suggest that there are numerous reasons for employee turnover and variances in employee motivation and performance. The main limitation of the article is that the survey sample was restricted to mid-level management, thus the authors indicate that further, more extensive, research needs to be undertaken to develop a more in-depth understanding of employee turnover and job performance. This article will not form the basis of my research; however it will be useful supplementary information for my research on pay structures.
    Will the increasing availability of electronic methods of information search result in an overall increase or decrease in consumers’ confidence in their information search abilities? Justify your answer.
    Length: total work must not accessed 1500 word all together
    – Introduction: – max. of 250 word
    – Article annotations: – 4 academic Journal articles (must be 4 articles) x 250 words Includes the reference at max.
    – Conclusion: – 250 word max.
    – No referencing page for the resources as the full referencing must me showing in the top page of each page (as showing in the example)

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