Wikileaks and the effect that it has had on global democratic culture

    Order Description
    – For this assignment you will write a research essay that uses the course materials from a single week along with 5 additional scholarly sources to respond to one of the following two prompts:

    – Analyze the relationship between violence and media (or mediation) in your selected situation. How does it contribute to the production or prohibition of global (democratic) culture?

    – Identify tensions, contradictions or resonances in your selected situation (i.e. between form and content; between two ethical orders). What do they tell us about the nature or character of global culture?

    Current thesis statement:
    – Through the use of ‘cyber violence’ and/or violence through the release of secret documents through various media outlets, Wikileaks has dramatically changed the global culture towards state leaders with regards to trust, truth and transparency

    Current arguments being used:
    – What is the goal of wikileaks
    – What impacts does wikileaks have on global democratic culture

    2 more arguments are needed in addition to the current 2 shown above

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