Why is understanding the cycling of matter and energy in ecosystems important to environmental science?

    For Week 2, DQ-1, please address the following question.

    Why is understanding the cycling of matter and energy in ecosystems important to environmental science? Provide an example.

    Talking points:  biogeochemical cycles, food chains, food webs, systems theory, positive and negative feed back, Gaia hypothesis.

    Readings:  Refer to the Week 2 reading assignments

    For Week 2, DQ-2, please address the following.

    Identify a natural ecosystem in which you live or one near to where you live. What are the primary components of structure from your selected ecosystem? How does this ecosystem support you?

    Talking points (choose at least three):  plant community, animal community, ecological community, ecosystem, endangered species, species diversity, natural capital, managed ecosystems, conservation, preservation, sustainability.

    Readings: Refer to the Week 2 reading assignments.

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