Why is the creation of art is also viewed as a spiritual act?

    *Expand on the question or critique the argument presented in the article.*

    The essay should include background on the topic, critical analysis, and your own conclusions. This could include how the artists draw on the formal artistic elements in their work to support their
    concepts and examine socio-political or other contexts employed by the artist. You can also discuss a particular theme or question abstraction and compare how different artists have approached the theme, you can examine a particular historic period and compare works produced across geographical regions or discuss a particular topic in abstraction. It is helpful to ask a question as a starting point for your essays.
    a. Insightful thesis statement-
    b. Fully developed argument-
    c. Effective research in support of the main thesis-
    d. Outstanding analysis that includes alternative -views/interpretations
    e. Shows full understanding of the subject covered-
    f. Excellent organization, sentence structure within required length-
    g. All captions for images/illustrations are properly cited-
    h. Excellent and relevant references –
    i. Exceeds normal expectations at this stage of development

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