Why does Henry Dobbins say “Dance right”

    Why does Henry Dobbins say “Dance right”?
    Chapter 15: “Speaking of Courage”

    1. What is the significance of Norman Bowker’s circling the lake?

    2. What is the significance of the Silver Star?

    3. On page 143, why does the town not want to know?

    4. Discuss the exchange between Bowker and Sally Kramer on pages 145-6.

    5. What do you make of the intercom incident on pages 151-152?
    Chapter 16: “Notes”

    What can you say about “Notes” and metafiction?


    Chapter 17: “In the Field”

    1. Why does “the boy” remain unnamed?

    2. What is significant about the descriptions of Kiowa’s rucksack on page 166?

    3. How does the idea of “blame” operate in this chapter (consider Lt. Cross’s role and the passage on page 177)
    Chapter 18: “Good Form”

    Discuss the significance of storytelling in this chapter.

    Chapter 19: “Field Trip”

    1. In “Good Form” and “Field Trip,” what role does Kathleen play?

    2. Discuss the significance of the narrator’s return to the field, especially his entry into the water.

    Chapter 20: “The Ghost Soldiers”

    1. In “Ghost Soldiers,” how does the narrator’s injury impact his relationship with his former group of soldiers/friends?

    2. Discuss the conflict between the narrator and Bobby Jorgenson.

    3. What is the significance of this chapter’s title?

    4. Read the paragraph on page 209 that begins “I was down there with him, inside him….I was Nam—the horror, the war. Do a close reading of this passage and relate it to the rest of the novel.
    Chapter 21: “Night Life”

    In “Night Life,” what happens to Rat Kiley? What is the significance of his experience to the novel as a whole?
    Chapter 22: “The Lives of the Dead”

    How does the story of Linda fit in with the rest of the novel?




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