Why did Truman elect to use the Atomic Bomb.against Japan? Delineate (outline) the rational for and against its use.

    Why did Truman elect to use the Atomic Bomb.against Japan? Delineate (outline) the rational for and against its use.

    Do you agree or disagree with the decsion? Why or Why not? Support your essay with documents and the text. You may only use evidence drawn
    Here are some questions that you may consider as you craft your essay.

    Could the war have been won without dropping the bomb? Why or why not?
    What was the status of the Allies’ war against the axis powers and against Japan in particular at the point that Truman decided to use the bomb?
    Were Truman’s interests in developing the bomb similar or different to that of Roosevelt?
    How would a monopoly on the bomb impact the United States’s position in the world?
    How were the Japanese faring militarily speaking?
    Were the Allies winning the war? At what cost?
    What did American soldiers have to say about fighting the Japanese?
    Do you think the Allies were exhausted by the end of the war? Assess the Japanese soldiers’ military tactics and resistance efforts?
    In what ways could characteristics of the Japanese resistance and methods have informed the decision to drop the bomb.
    What were Truman’s specific reasons for wanting to use the bomb as opposed to using other military tactics?
    Did dropping the bomb save lives? Why or Why not?
    In what ways did dropping the bomb inform Truman’s foreign policy concerns.


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