Why did Gandhi organize the Salt March?

    The Salt March was a nonviolent campaign of Gandhi.

    Salt Tax

    • the British made it illegal for the Indians to collect the natural deposits of salt.
    • due to India’s weather, the citizens sweat and lose more of the human body’s salt supply. Indians didn’t eat much meat (natural source of salt) so they needed to find a supplementary source of salt. Thus, the British imposed the salt tax to control the Indians.

    Salt March

    • nonviolent campaign by Mohandas ( Mahatma ) Gandhi to protest against salt tax*
    • one of the most important protests Gandhi has made
    • Gandhi and his 78 followers marched from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi on the Arabian Sea.
    • the journey was 240 miles or 386.2 kilometers
    • it led to the Gandhi-Irwin pact where gathering and manufacturing salt is legal

    • the government lifted the tax a year later after the Salt March

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