why creativity development is important in the home.


    Discussion 7


    Review the module resources and the readings. Find a support journal or article (within 10 years, peer-reviewed) about the topic. Then explain why creativity development is important in the home. Provide specific examples and descriptions of what this can look like for the parents and families of the students you teach. Add specific support from the research including your source. Include in-text citations and references at the end of the post.


    1. Write a minimum of 200 words for the original discussion post.
    2. Read and answer all questions in the discussion prompt directly and accurately.
    3. Visit all the links and any additional resources provided in the discussion prompt.
    4. Use the readings, research, and other literature as a resource and cite them in responses.
    5. Add links or attachments to your posts when requested (e.g., link to a lesson plan, video).
    6. Discussion posts should state perspectives and include support from the research.

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