Why Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams were banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

    Why Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams were banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
    Write an essay of 700-1000 words explaining why Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams were banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Discuss the views they held that put them in conflict with the church and community leaders and caused them to be expelled from a colony which, ironically enough, was founded for religious freedom. What religious view did Anne Hutchinson get in trouble for expressing, and what were Roger Williams’ “four extreme positions” that undermined the government of the Massachusetts Bay Colony? After being banished from Massachusetts, what new colony in which present-day state did Williams and Hutchinson found that “became a sanctuary for those who found the strictures of the Massachusetts Bay Colony insufferable.”

    Helpful hint: John Winthrop discusses Anne Hutchinson in his writings and tells how she died the section of his journal that you read. It is essential that you review your reading assignment in “The Journal of John Winthrop” and refer to it your essay.

    However, it is difficult to understand what Winthrop is talking about in your textbook without some background information. You will find this in the online Pilgrims and Puritans reading, which gives the best explanation of Hutchinson’s religious views.

    Make certain you also review the online reading—especially the section about the Puritans–and make reference to it when writing your answer to this essay. As is noted in the parentheses in the question itself, the introduction to Roger Williams in your textbook explains his “extreme positions” and why he was banished.

    You should also review Williams’ own statement about their persecution in the assigned excerpt from “The Bloody Tenet of Persecution, for Cause of Conscience, in a Conference between Truth and Peace.” Pay close attention to the readings I have underlined here, and make certain you review all of them before writing your answer to this essay question.

    An essay must have a beginning, middle, and an end. It must also have a thesis or main idea statement in its introductory paragraph. An essay must be written in standard academic English, observing the conventions of usage and mechanics
    Reading : Pilgrims and Puritans
    search for Anne Hutchinson



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