Who are three “founding fathers” of sociology

    Who are three “founding fathers” of sociology

    Who are three “founding fathers” of sociology and what is one idea that each contributed to sociology?

    2. What is the sociological imagination? Why is it important to our understanding of society?

    3. How do the three major sociological perspectives view society?

    4. What is sociology? How does it compare to other sciences?

    5. Why would a sociologist study something that is common sense?

    Critical Thinking Questions

    1. What manifest and latent functions might exist for a health club?

    2. Which sociological perspective makes the most sense to you as a means to study society? Why?

    3. Think about an organization or business that you are involved with. What things might an interactionist be interested in studying about this organization?

    4. Max Weber argued that we need to understand the meanings that people give to their actions and ideas. Do you agree or disagree with Weber? Why?

    5. George Herbert Mead argued that the self develops through interactions with others. Do you think that your personality or self developed through your interactions with others (parents, friends, teachers) or was it something that you were born with? Give an example from your life to support your view.


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