Which general do you admire: Major Problems in the History of World War II (Stoler)

    there are two book and specific chapters which the information can come from
    Major Problems in the History of World War II (Stoler)

    Chapter 4, pages 109 � 134
    Chapter 5, pages 171 – 190

    A Democracy at War (O’Neill)

    Chapter 16, pages 333 � 360
    Chapter 16, pages 267 – 300

    2 quotes from required text not longer than 1 sentence

    n 1944, the US Army would meet its supreme test by invading German-occupied Europe. When they grappled with the

    mighty Wehrmacht, America�s young men would be led by two of the greatest commanders their country ever produced �

    Dwight David Eisenhower and George S. Patton, Jr. Though both were products of West Point, they could hardly have

    been more different. Between them stretched the entire range of personality types that characterized American

    commanders. Eisenhower was friendly, unpretentious, efficient, in many ways the national ideal of a military leader.

    Patton was the opposite: the epitome of arrogance and theatricality, and a warrior in the truest sense. The American

    military, like the nation itself, was a coat of many colors.

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