Where does the Federal Government’s Power come from

    Discussion 2-1
    Where does the Federal Government’s Power come from? Where does a State Government’s Power come. What happens when the two interact?

    Please discuss the following cases from Chapter 4.

    National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 132 S. Ct. 2566 (2012) – Commerce

    Rowe v. New Hamhire Motor Transportation Assoc., 552 U.S. 364 (2008) – Commerce

    Quill v. North Dakota, 504 U.S. 298 (1992) – Due Process

    *Choose only one case of them*
    Discussion 2-2
    What if the Internal Revenue Service issued new regulations to prevent fraud? Specific regulatory changes include a) fines for any wage earner who does not file a return regardless of income level b) a requirement that each person earning wages even part time employees report all forms of Federal, State and Local Assistance being received during the tax year, C) a requirement that all families allowing individuals above the age of 18 to “live at home” to report as income and expenses paid or any funds contributed to the maintenance of the household. D) Allows the Internal Revenue Service to conduct periodic audits of all residents.

    Are these new regulations constitutional? Please comment and if you can cite to a case from the reading to support your assertion that it is constitutional or that it is not please share with the discussion group.

    – I also provide example and how to start this homework in the attached file.
    – Please use at least 1 additional academic source for each discussion.
    – 2 paragraphs per discussion (at least 150 words for each paragraph)

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