Where are you going? where have you been

    In Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You
    Been?” Arnold Friend is clearly a predator and a direct threat to
    Connie. Analyze why (according to Oates’ characterizations in the
    story) Connie would be vulnerable to the threat he poses and how
    she responds to the threat he poses. What is Oates’ apparent point
    in depicting this situation in the story?

    12 point font
    MLA format
    Times New Roman
    Will supply story

    An introductory paragraph that identifies the title and author of the
    work you will examine and that clearly establishes the context of
    your discussion
    o A very specific thesis statement
    o Individual body paragraphs that contain one central focus each
    (Note: You MUST have more than one body paragraph)
    o Clear, analytical topic sentences in your body paragraphs
    o Quotations from the work you analyze (Rule of thumb: Include at
    least one quotation per body paragraph, but preferably more.)
    o Clear and thorough analyses of all of your quotations (Rules of
    thumb: Never end a paragraph with a quotation or begin a
    paragraph with a block quotation.)
    o Clear and thorough explanations of both the significance of your
    points and their relationship to your thesis
    o A thorough concluding paragraph that does not simply restate your
    thesis but expands upon it
    o Appropriate quotation style and parenthetical documentation

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