What you have learned about yourself and your particular management strengths

    My Utopia Job

    APA Formatted

    Students may submit an outline week 6 to the instructor for comments.

    Based upon:

    1. What you have learned about yourself and your particular management strengths;

    2. Two to three of the most useful management techniques that have been offered in the

    text and in class discussions;

    3. What you have learned about the global marketplace. 

    Using the above three criterion, design your ideal position. The purpose of this paper is for

    students to take management theories presented in this class and the text and apply them to

    themselves. Students are to identify their own particular management strengths and to consider

    two to three of specific management tools offered in this class. Students need to then apply that

    information and design and explain what they feel would be their ideal work role and

    environment. This is going to be a personal paper that is backed up by the data from this class.

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