What were Plato’s ‘economic problems’ and were they capable of solution?

    What were Plato’s ‘economic problems’ and were they capable of solution?
    Order Description
    The essay title is “What were Plato’s ‘economic problems’ and were they capable of solution?” This is a historical economic essay focussing on Plato’s economic problems in Ancient Greece.
    Please aim for 80 + in the essay, a very high first. This is a Master’s course essay so it is priority that this essay is fantastic! A distinction score. Use around 7 sources for this essay, of high quality book or academic journal sources. I will be uploading sources and referencing books for you to use (IT IS IMPERATIVE THESE SOURCES ARE USED EFFICIENTLY AND CORRECTLY). Please use other sources through your own research too.
    Please use coherent English when summing up the essay, please begin with an introduction and then focus on “Plato’s economic problems, and whether they were an issue or could be solved”. I am uploading sources to help with this. Also focus on Aristotle. This is a historical economic essay.
    Please have your argument set out from the beginning introduction, in your analyses and all the way to your conclusion. I will also be doing my own plagiarism report via turnitin as well so please refrain from paraphrasing too much and AVOID PLAGIARISM.

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