What was the nature of the covenant between God and the Hebrew people?

    What was the nature of the covenant between God and the Hebrew people? What was each party to the covenant expected to do? Did each party honor the terms of the covenant?

    They are not research papers, so they should not report “just the facts,” though you must have a solid factual basis for your reflections. They must not consist of unsupported “opinions” about general issues–they must clearly depend upon the texts under consideration in the course. Aim for a judicious balance of facts and genuine interpretative reflection on your part. You may choose one topic for each essay from the lists in Assignments, found on the Course Content page, or you may write on another topic if you receive the instructor’s approval in advance of writing. At the end of your essay, be sure to include a list of the “Sources Used” to write the paper. The due dates are marked on your course calendar. Be sure to have 800+ words to meet the 800-1000 word requirement. The essays should be prepared in a “Word”-processing program. Click on the Dropbox and browse for the file and upload it to the instructor.

    Each of these three reflective essays will count as 150 points, for a total of 450 points of your overall final grade.

    Topics for Hebrew Legacy:

    1. How did Hebrew thought about God and the world differ from the thought of other ancient Near Eastern religions?

    2. What was the nature of Hebrew law? How did it compare with other Near Eastern law?

    3. The Hebrew people give Torah special reverence, far greater than that given to other portions of the Hebrew Bible. Why?

    4. What was the nature of the covenant between God and the Hebrew people? What was each party to the covenant expected to do? Did each party honor the terms of the covenant?

    5. What was the role of the prophet in Hebrew society?

    6. Was there any necessary antagonism between the Law and the Prophets?

    7. Was The Satan in the book of Job correct? Or can a person be good “for naught”?

    8. In what different ways did Job and the Buddha deal with the problems of sin and suffering?

    9. Should the book of Ecclesiastes have been excluded from the Bible?

    ***You can write about any of these topics that make more sense to you.***

    ***The attached documents are for you incase you need the source material.

    ***In addition to the attached documents: Readings from Nevi’im (Prophets) and Readings from Kethuvim (Writings).



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