What visual elements condition your response to the film? – In well developed essay, explicate the selected scenes from Fred Zinneman’s ilm of Carson McCullers’ The Member of the Wedding Custom Essay

    In well developed essay, explicate the selected scenes from Fred Zinneman’s ilm of Carson McCullers’ The Member of the Wedding. Focus on the following questions: what is significant about the sequence within itself, and how does the sequence embody something important about the larger film-its themes and techniques?
    You concern should be with both the ideas you present and the clarity and support of your presentation. Aim again for unity and coherence; that is, be sure that your explication states and clearly develops a main point. Consider the following questions before planning your essay:

    1. What visual elements condition your response to the film?
    2. What aural elements condition your response?
    3. Why do we see what we see and hear what we hear?
    4. How does this sequence relate to what has gone before and how does it prepare us for what follows?
    5. To what extent is the sequence faithful to the themes and meanings of the original text?

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