What is the procedure in your state for finalizing a divorce or separation if there is a written agreement signed by both spouses

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    What is the procedure in your state for finalizing a divorce or separation if there is a written agreement signed by both spouses? Is this a faster procedure than a contested hearing? Describe the simplified, faster procedure.

    Is there an automatic temporary restraining order in your state when a divorce or legal separation is filed? If so, describe the state law and explain what it applies to.

    What is the procedure in your state for temporary or interim orders? Describe the law that sets forth the procedure.

    Are there automatic disclosures of financial records in your state? If so, what are the laws describing the records that must be disclosed? What records must be disclosed and when? If there are not automatic disclosures, what is the procedure for obtaining records from the other spouse?

    If one spouse fails to provide records they are required to provide, what is the procedure to obtain the records?

    What information must be in a parenting plan in your state?

    What does the state law provide as far as what criteria a judge considers when they hear a custody and parenting time case in your state?

    How is child support calculated in your state? Are college expenses allowed for children in your state? What is the age of emancipation when child support ends?

    Is there mandatory parental education in your state? If so, what are the laws that describe the parental education?

    What are the various procedures for final orders? Other than the simplified agreement described in last week’s assignment, what are the other ways to obtain final orders?

    What is the standard in the law for the court to determine who will have parenting time or custody of a child and decision making authority? State the law and describe what it says. (i.e., does it refer to the “best interests” of the child or a similar standard)?

    What is the law that describes division of property? Describe the law. Is there a provision to exclude inherited or separate property from division? What factors is the court allowed to consider in dividing property?

    What are the laws that determine how much spousal support a spouse may receive? Describe the laws and state what the law is.

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