What is the most difficult thing you have ever done to help someone else?

    Format: Always follow MLA manuscript format (The Little Seagull 146-148); see the sample
    essay in “Assignments” and the same essay in The Little Seagull (page 149). Failure to follow
    the formatting guidelines will result in a deduction of points.
    Title: Come up with your own original title for the paper. You cannot use the same name of the
    assignment as the title of your paper. Your title should be centered and not be set off in any way
    (no italics, no underlining, no bold lettering, no quotation marks). Capitalize all major words.
    Point of View: 1
    st person is acceptable for this essay. Avoid second person point of view 

    Introduction: The introductory paragraph should grab the reader’s attention and present the
    essay’s thesis. You may also use your introduction to provide a summary of your original article,
    giving context to the reader before jumping into your response.
    Thesis: Generally the thesis statement is the last sentence of the intro, giving you, the writer, a chance to
    build up that main point or argument as presented in the thesis. The thesis should preview the essay’s
    organizational plan by outlining the essay’s main points. The essay should be from your own
    experience and not use research. This essay should be written in first person.
    Be sure to underline your thesis statement in your paper. Body: The body of your essay should offer at least two body paragraphs with clear topic
    sentences supported by carefully chosen examples that clearly elaborate on your thesis statement.
    Don’t forget transitions to help connect individual sentences, paragraphs, and ideas.
    Conclusion: The conclusion has several jobs to do, not the least of which is to wind the essay up,
    bring it to a close. Avoid bringing up new ideas in the conclusion. It’s often worthwhile to refer
    the reader to something you said in the intro, to bring the piece full circle. Don’t simply restate
    the thesis; sum up your main thesis in a new way.

    MLA Format: You must include in-text citations and a Works Cited page in MLA format. Use
    the Little Seagull as your guidebook. Failure to include proper citations will result in automatic
    failure for the assignment.
    Grounds for automatic failure:
    Using outside research in this paper
    Not addressing the assigned topic or fulfilling the requirements of the assignment
    Demonstrating more than 5 major grammatical errors (fragments, run-on sentences,
    inconsistent verb tense, etc.)
    Grounds for automatic 0: plagiarism or not including a Works Cited page or in-text citations
    Note: This essay is worth 100 points. No late work is accepted. See the syllabus for more information on
    this policy.
    Some other important points:
    1. Your essay should be about one thing.
    2. Each paragraph should develop one idea or topic sentence (in support of your thesis).
    3. Each sentence should develop one idea.
    Here are some example thesis sentences for this topic. Remember the thesis is your opinion,
    not a fact.
    1. When I made the difficult decision to give up my career in order to take care of my little
    sister, I learned responsibility, humility and maturity.
    2. When I gave my car to my cousin it was a hardship for me, but he was able to get to his
    job and support his family.

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