what is the best path to meet my career goal?

    what is the best path to meet my career goal?
    This paper is base on a decision-making process. Please incorporate fundamental objective maximize career options at a nurse executive level and maximizing salary income. Mean objective is to obtain a chief executive nurse postion with a salary of 125,000 or greater. Alternatives #1 Continue education for a MBA degree to enhance resume profile. Alternative #2 Remain a loyal assistant nurse manager at current facility and wait on an advance managerial position and work my way up to an executive role level. Alternative #3 Hire a Professional job agent recruiter to find executive position and groom for interview process. Consequences continue with education for MBA causes higher school loans. By remaining loyal to current employer increase sonority within the organization. Hiring a recruiter can be costly with no guarantees of a executive position will be obtain. Trade offs includes: continuing education have less time to spend with family, increase potential for executive position with dual masters degree, remain loyal to current employer may take a very long time to climb the corporate ladder. Constraints time frame, cost of MBA degree and cost of recruiter


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