What is the artist trying to portray with the image

    Keep this information in mind as you complete this project.The events surrounding the creation and placement of public art say quite a bit about the art itself.Look for connections between events and images.I’m not looking for you to describe the event the artwork depicts, but the period of American history in which it was created.
    Click the above link to open the page for the Capitol’s Historic Rotunda Paintings.  Click on the individual images for each of the 8 paintings to see them in more detail, view basic information on the piece, and read the short article provided.  Once you have viewed all 8 of the images and read each description, you will choose 4 to create your presentation that answers a series of questions for each image.  You should include the image, its title and the artist as a header to each section, followed by1 paragraph of 200-300 words for each image that addresses the following:
    Presentation Questions
    1. What is the artist trying to portray with the image?  What feelings is he trying to evoke?
    2. When was the image commissioned and hung?  What events were occurring in American that could have shaped the composition of the painting?  Is there a message in the image shaped by those events? 
    3. Is the artist successful in communicating his message in the work?  Is there a clear connection between the artwork’s content and its context?
    This should be prepared in a microsoft word document, citations should be written in current Turabian format, times new roman 12 point.

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