What is nature? Where do these ideas come from and how do they unfold?

    What is nature? Where do these ideas come from and how do they unfold?

    ex) Paradigms vary over time and cultures moving from material to abstract conceptualizations (Coates) – “sticky” ideas that endure. Bio-physical space – unspoiled natural environment which is ruled by laws (physics, evolution, God) and can be threatened by human activity; what man has not made. A collective phenomena which includes or excludes humans – comic setting for human life where man is part of nature through his physical body but set apart by his mind to investigate the workings of nature (Lucretian view) vs. a creative force/goddess whose moral purpose and meaning is independent of mankind (Mother Nature). A built in essence / quality / principle / characteristics that informs the workings of the world. Nature as instructor – an inspiration / source of authority in governing human affairs; laws formulated by specific groups and influenced with values, ideals, particular visions and agendas. Conceptual opposite of culture – Man has fallen from grace is now corrupted by institutions vs. creation of laws and civilizations to rise above barbaric interactions. Socially constructed (“Society of Nature”) – inhabited and influenced by culture, beliefs, psychology, religion, economies

    How do people think about/experience nature?

    ex)Dichotomies: Man/culture vs. nature; Human vs. non-human; Wild vs. tame (scrub grasslands vs. gardens); Natural vs. artificial
    Primal – pure, savage, uncivilized
    Authenticity – simplicity, purity
    Spatial – untrammeled; pristine; dominion
    Connections – exploitation and dominion; love and pleasure; power and knowledge
    Supernatural – spiritual, mystical powers
    Blurred boundaries
    Iconography – dogs, ravens
    Shamanism – wolfman
    Fairy tales
    Hybrids – centaurs, werewolves, Frankenstein, cyborgs
    Nature cults

    Why is it important?

    ex)Affects historical, social, political, cultural, economic relations between peoples and their environments and the laws / policies created to govern these interactions





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