What is done well within the ‘good site’?

    Read Chapter 12 – Successful Writing at Work
    Writing Instructions Lecture Notes – PowerPoint attached

    Find two samples (one good – one poor) of instructions posted on the web.
    Choose examples with some level of complexity. Copy the links of the sites
    (make sure the site is accessible without log-in/password). I need access in
    order to grade the assignment.

    Submit a detailed report listing:
    What is done well within the ‘good site’?
    Be specific with your reasons!
    What specific changes would you make to the ‘poor’ site?
    Give me your reasoning for each suggestion.
    Please include the Five Parts of Instructions as part of your systematic analysis of each. Remember, this assignment is to focus on the written instructions; Do not spend time evaluating web site design.
    Please submit this assignment in a short report format..
    Structure your report in a logical manner.
    Use the appropriate formatting techniques (Headers/Bold/Underline/Lists).
    Keep in mind all aspects of style.
    Developed paragraphs.
    Proper grammar.
    Proper punctuation.

    Good Instructions website: manuals.info.apple.com/en_US/AppleTV_SetupGuide.pdf (How to set up Apple TV).

    Bad Instructions website: http://www.instructables.com/id/Playing-Chess/?ALLSTEPS (steps on how to play chess).

    If the steps on playing chess is not a bad instructions, feel free to locate one. This assignment should be in a short report format (1 page).

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