What is an important effect of the digital age in your area of professional interest, and how should we feel about it?

    1. according to what i have learned in my class, in this paper you need to use the following three craft technologies:
    1) acknowledging complexity which means you can not simply write a 5 paragraphs style essay. you need to acknowledge your readers about the reason you choose to use. those reasons are better to be correlated, you can not just simply give them one by one without any connection.there is no absolute answer for a question, your reason should be like” yes…,but…” however, it does not mean 90 degree counter argument. if you don’t understand what is acknoledging complexity, please google it first.
    2) reoccurrence of the thesis. you can not only write the thesis at the beginning. the thesis should be through the whole paper.

    2. when you give the reasons, you need to find evidence(reference) to support them.but you can not say “some critics”, “the research” the evidence or fact should be specific. you need to include “who said that” or “which institution prove that” in the paper.

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