What have you learned in the epigenetics video and how will this information change your lifestyle?

    Research and locate one article on epigenetics from a reputable academic source (journal articles are reputable sources, as are some government publications based on research such as the National Institute of Health; Wikipedia is NOT a reputable source)

    University of Utah Genetic Science- http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/epigenetics/

    NIH-National Human Genome Research Institute- https://www.genome.gov/27532724#al-4

    Read the epigenetics article you find. Begin your paper by defining epigenetics and continue your paper with a discussion of the epigenetics article. Be sure to paraphrase (put things in your own words) and be sure to cite the author(s) of the article you find using APA style. The paper must have at least one reference to a scholarly source cited in the body of the essay and added to the reference list at the end.

    Watch the epigenetics video listed below and discuss your reaction to the video. This video is located in the Film-on-Demand Online Repository. Go to the Blackboard TOOLS & RESOURCES Menu and link to the Film-on-Demand. You have to log in to the Library website, and connect to the Film-on-Demand database. See the file with the screen shots for “log-in” in the assignment folder located in the LESSONS tab. Once in the Film-on-Demand website, search for the video by using the “Item Number”:

    Link: ( http://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewPlaylist.aspx?AssignmentID=9BW9BG )
    Video title: Epigenetics: How food upsets our genes

    Item Number: 40603
    Discuss your understanding of epigenetics based on your research: What is the relationship between epigenetics and physical and mental health? What have you learned in the epigenetics video and how will this information change your lifestyle? Be specific about the changes you will make.

    500 words
    Original work; plagiarism score of less than 20% (80% original work)
    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
    Covers all topics

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