What factors affect physical development? Consider hereditary and environmental influences. Provide examples.

    Developmental psychology seeks to address various aspects of human development, including physical, cognitive, social, moral, and personality development.


    Write a 1,050 word paper discussing the influences on physical and cognitive development.


    Select one of the stages of development below as the focus of your paper.


    • Infancy: from birth to 1 year
    • Early childhood: from 1-6 years
    • Middle childhood: from 6-12 years
    • Adolescence: from 12-18 years
    • Early adulthood: from 18-40 years
    • Middle adulthood: from 40-60 years
    • Late adulthood: from 60+ years


    Address the following in relation to the selected stage:


    • What factors affect physical development? Consider hereditary and environmental influences. Provide examples.
    • What factors affect cognitive development? Consider hereditary and environmental influences. Provide examples.
    • What factors affect social, moral, and personality development? Describe the factors by explaining at least two theoretical perspectives associated with social, moral, and personality development.


    Include at least two peer-reviewed sources.


    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


    Submit your assignment.



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