what do you think are the main factors which contributed

    what do you think are the main factors which contributed

    I need help writing a 350-500 words Based on what do you think are the main factors which contributed to the successful economic modernization and industrialization that has sometimes been called the Meiji Economic Miracle? Did any of these factors build upon the precedents of the Tokugawa Era? Do you think any of these factors are unique to Japan? Based on what you may have read outside the course, or in other courses, to what extent do you think Japan’s economic development followed patterns found in other developing nation states. For those of you who find that your eyes cross when thinking about economics, or looking at charts, and graphs, you may instead wish to discuss the developments in education during the Meiji Era. You should start with a discussion of the initial goals after 1868,particularly as regards to basic elementary education, and then discuss how the aims and goals of education, particularly higher education, changed after the 1880’s. Were there any “unintended consequences” of education during this period?

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