What biases and prejudices do you have yet to address or confront in order to elevate your level of professional practice and multicultural competency?

    Read pages 70-86, where the texts describes the various racial identity models and discuss your own identity and what influences impacted how you see yourself in relation to these models and your stage of personal cultural development.  What biases and prejudices do you have yet to address or confront in order to elevate your level of professional practice and multicultural competency?  Write your response in 250-300 words, supporting your comments with two references 

    Family & Culture

    Refer to readings on pages 115 – 124 to analyze and determine the most culturally competent manner in which you might respond to a family of a different culture as a human service professional.  Think of what “family” means to you and how it might be different from clients you might encounter.  Discuss these topics in 250-300 words as well as any issues that might enhance or impede your effectiveness related to similarities and/or differences.  Support your comments with two references 

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