What are the pertinent regulations and standards that affect this home?

    What are the pertinent regulations and standards that affect this home?

    How are you going to supply energy to your home?
    Power lines sourced to local grid
    Power generation on-site
    Hydropower, both tidal and river
    Wind power, both locally and from city grid
    Photovoltaic cells on roof
    How can you utilize the natural environment sustainably to minimize energy needed?
    Solar energy–hot water tank can be heated by reflected sunlight; use electrical water heater (more efficient than gas heater)
    Reflective/white painted exterior walls: reduce AC costs by reducing amount of solar energy absorbed by the house
    Bioluminescent lighting–can be “charged” by light exposure during the day and remain active through the night; use for exterior/security lights, possibly lighting in “public” areas of the house (foyer, living room, garage). Appears to be theoretical/prototype at this time but application is possible
    Minimize indoor square footage; bigger house = more space to air condition and light
    Use wind for cooling; integrate air conditioning with exterior wind (with exterior intakes, use breeze rather than just aircon; essentially, open-air vents turned to capture wind)
    Evaporative cooling system–run exterior air over water tank and cool evaporatively, then run cool water through house
    You will need to calculate the energy intake with your energy output and get it as close to zero as possible
    How are you going to supply water throughout your home?
    Water reuse in rain water harvesting system
    collection, filtration, storage, and distribution of rainwater
    benefits- rainwater is free, use less mains water/reduce water bills
    Lake Water Filtration System
    invest in water treatment system (cost versus using public)
    passive solar
    Public Water Supply System (look into energy etc)
    What are you going to do with the waste water?
    Graywater reuse system
    Blackwater – vermicomposter?
    Are you going to recycle water? How?
    Gray water system
    consider gravity fed system versus package systems
    What local materials (within 500 miles) can be used in your home?
    The Green Project
    How can you minimize the carbon footprint of the materials you use to make your home? Think cradle to grave.
    Using recycled materials provided by The Green Project
    Solar panels in courtyard/roof. Add fences around perimeter?
    Do you need to insulate your house and how are you going to do it?
    How to air ventilate
    Heating and cooling of your home
    Build house underground (less prone to hurricanes)
    BCHO Earth House with moat/storm ditch.


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